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Figure 4
Geometric and packing characteristics of predicted and rebuilt models. (a) Histogram of the percentage of residues with `favored' backbone conformations (open bars, AlphaFold predictions obtained without templates; closed bars, rebuilt models). Calculations for AlphaFold predictions include residues with a pLDDT of 70 or above. (b) Histograms of rotamer outliers (unlikely side-chain conformations). (c) Histograms of clashscore (Chen et al., 2010BB12) values. (d, e, f) As (a, b, c) except that the closed bars represent deposited models and the open bars represent AlphaFold models with templates (final cycle of iteration, trimmed to remove residues not matching map or with a pLDDT of less than 70; see Section 2[link]).

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