Figure 4
The electron density of the active pocket of B. subtilis GGT by time-lapse soaking. (a) OMIT map of the active pocket without soaking. The Fo − Fc map at 2.5σ is overlaid on the stick model, in which Thr403, the catalytic nucleophile residue, was omitted in the map calculation. (b) OMIT map of the crystal soaked in 5 mM acivicin solution for 3 min. The Fo − Fc map at 2.5σ is overlaid on the stick model, in which the acivicin adduct and Thr403 were omitted in the map calculation. (c) OMIT map of the crystal soaked in 5 mM acivicin solution for 120 min. The Fo − Fc map at 2.5σ is overlaid on the stick model, in which the acivicin adduct and Thr403 were omitted in the map calculation. The water molecule between Gly486 and acivicin adduct is indicated as a cyan ball. The view is rotated by 20° around the vertical axis relative to (a) and (b). |