Figure 2
Structure of the SARS-CoV PLpro C112S mutant in complex with Ub. (a) Overlay of the PLpro C112S–Ub complex (colour) and free wild-type PLpro (grey). The Ubl, thumb, palm and fingers domains of the PLpro C112S mutant in complex with Ub are coloured magenta, cyan, orange and green, respectively, and the Ub is coloured yellow. The orange and grey spheres show the location of the zinc ion in the two structures. The movement of the zinc-binding site (b) and the β14–β15 (BL2) loop (c) are indicated by arrows. The residues are shown as sticks and hydrogen bonding is indicated by red dashed lines. All structure figures in this paper were produced using PyMOL (https://www.pymol.org ). |