Figure 4
Crb17 recognition by Pals1PDZ and Par6PDZ and the similarity of ligand-free Pals1PDZ to Par6PDZ bound to an internal peptide ligand. (a) Sequence alignment of the human Pals1 and Par6 PDZ domains. Residue numbering for Par6 and Pals1 is shown above and below the alignment; secondary structure for Pals1 is shown below the alignment (arrows represent β-strands and helices represent α-helices); the carboxylate-binding loop is highlighted by a red box and residues making contacts with the Crb17 peptide are highlighted in red. (b) Surface conservation of Pals1/Par6 close to the ERLI ligand is shown in deep blue (identical), light blue (similar) and white (not conserved). The Crb17 peptide is shown in purple with the ERLI motif side chains, except for Arg1404, all making conserved contacts. This is consistent with the known Par6 PDZ-binding ligands ESLV (PDB entry 1rzx ) and EMAV (PDB entry 1x8s ), varying at the second position (equivalent to Arg1404 of Crb). (c) Superimposition of Par6PDZ bound to the Pals1 internal ligand (light blue; PDB entry 1x8s ), the ligand-free form of Pals1PDZ (light pink), Par6PDZ bound to the C-terminal ligand (dark blue; PDB entry 1rzx ) and Pals1PDZ bound to the C-terminal Crb17 ligand (purple). The carboxylate-binding loop in each structure is highlighted according to the colour legend in the figure. |