Figure 8
Cartoon representation of the superimposition of the structures of EcFPPS (yellow; PDB entry 1rqi ) and PaFPPS (grey). The loop-HI region that is disordered in PaFPPS (highlighted by the blue-coloured flanking regions of helix H and part of the loop itself) is ordered in the closed conformation in EcFPPS (orange). DMSPP and IPP are bound as ligands in the structure of EcFPPS and represent the allylic binding site (S1) and the IPP binding site (S2) of this class of enzyme. NVU-1298 and NVU-1297 represent the SPB-1 and SPB-2 sites of the allosteric binding pocket in PaFPPS, respectively. The two bound KM10833 molecules are shown in green. |