Figure 4
Hsp90 peptide conformations. (a) Cartoon superimposition of the Tah1–Pih1 (yellow) structure and the Tah1 dimeric structure (green and cyan) showing that the bound Hsp90 peptides [shown as tubes in magenta for the dimer structure and yellow for the Tah1 (monomer)–Pih structure] are bound in essentially the same conformation. (b) Superimposition of the Tah1-bound (cyan) and the AIP-bound (green) EDASRMEEVD Hsp90 peptides (only SRMEEVD is visible) showing that they bind in essentially the same conformation. (c) Cartoon stick model showing the carboxylate-clamp interactions between the Hsp90 peptide EDASRMEEVD (green; only SRMEEVD is visible) and Tah1 amino-acid residues (yellow). |