Figure 3
Structures of four integral membrane proteins solved using the IMISXcryo method. (a) AlgE. (b) PepTSt. (c) β2AR. (d) DgkA. 2Fo − Fc electron-density maps for ligands, lipids, ions and other nonproteinaceous molecules in the structures are shown as a blue mesh contoured at 1σ. Structures are shown in cartoon and surface representation and are coloured light green. Ions are shown as spheres: calcium, green; sodium, purple; zinc, grey. The resolutions of the corresponding structures are 2.4 Å (AlgE, PepTSt), 2.5 Å (β2AR) and 2.8 Å (DgkA). Stick models show C (yellow), N (blue) and O (red) atoms. |