Figure 10
Analysis of the in situ pre-edge spectra of the 1% Fe/Al2O3 catalyst depicted in Fig. 9(b) . (a) Variogram of the total integrated intensity and centroid position of the pre-edge peak at different temperatures of the TPR experiment, compared with data points of the reference compounds staurolite, FeO, FePO4 and α-Fe2O3 from spectra measured with standard resolution (marked with circles and the grey fields for the four types of Fe species given in Fig. 8 ). (b) Evolution of the peak width (FWHM) and Gaussian fraction (xGaussian) of pseudo-Voigt functions as a function of temperature. (c) Fraction of Fe3+ and Fe2+ species as a function of temperature as estimated from linear combination analysis [the first XANES spectrum is assumed to be Fe3+ and the last XANES spectrum is assumed to be Fe2+, carried out between 7105 eV and the isosbestic point at 7132 eV seen in Fig. 9(a) ]. (d) Linear relationship between the fraction of Fe3+ species calculated by LCA and the pre-edge centroid position. The grey lines in (b) and (c) indicate the temperatures where the transformation of Fe3+ to Fe2+ has advanced ca 10%, 50% and 90% to guide the eye. |