Figure 11
In situ Fe K-edge XANES spectra (a) and the pre-edge spectra (b) of a 0.5% Fe/BEA zeolite catalyst acquired during a TPR experiment with high resolution in fluorescence. The spectra were acquired using continuous energy scans with a period of approximately 5 min per spectrum with energy increments of 0.1 eV [conditions: 20% H2/He in a quartz capillary micro-reactor, heated up to 400°C (cf. Høj et al., 2009 )]. The pre-edge spectra in (b) were extracted using the inclined arctangent function and fit with one or two pseudo-Voigt peak functions. Variogram (c) and evolution with temperature of the peak width (FWHM) and Gaussian fraction (xGaussian) of pseudo-Voigt functions (d), analogous to Figs. 10(a) and 10(b) . The vertical grey line separates the FWHM and xGaussian obtained when fitting the pre-edge spectra with one and two pseudo-Voigt peaks. |