Figure 1
Simulation setup with pulse profiles, simulation geometry and typical output parameters. Top left: graphical representations of the four pulse shapes that were simulated. All pulses have a length of 100 fs and the same total fluence. The color scheme is kept throughout the paper: flat pulse (gray), large–small (red), single pulse (blue) and multiple (green). Top right: simulation geometry for protein nanocrystals in one dimension, divided into zones with the same chemical composition. The X-ray laser pulse is simulated in all the zones, which interact with each other through radiation transfer and thermal conductivity. Bottom row: plasma parameters from the simulations that are used to model radiation damage: average ion charge (charge 1 for fully ionized atoms), ion temperature and ion–ion collision rate. The plot shows the time dependence for the selected pulse profiles with a photon energy of 6 keV and pulse intensity of 2 × 106 J cm−2. |