Figure 1
Two-dimensional diagrams (dCo, logF) of the saturation field HSAT for Co wedge samples: (a) Pt/Co/Pt, (b) Pt/Co/Au. Thickness of Co layer dCo is varied linearly along the x axis from 0 (left edge) to 5 nm (right edge). A schematic presentation of the Co layer profile is given at the bottom of the maps. The fluence of 30 keV Ga+ irradiation is varied along the y axis from 1013 (at the bottom) up to 1016 ions cm−2 (at the top) perpendicular to the Co wedge direction. The value of fluence is given on a logarithmic scale on the right-hand side. A small lower part of the sample is not irradiated and marked as `reference'. The regions with an enlarged value of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy are marked as `branch 1' (low fluence) and `branch 2' (high fluence). The superparamagnetic region (hatched area) is visible at the top left corner of the maps. The plots on the right-hand side of the diagrams correspond to the saturation field HSAT changes along the black and white dashed vertical lines for dCo = 3.3 nm. Samples are 10 mm × 10 mm. |