Figure 7
Sketch of a possible setup for 4π-SCXM (not to scale). The system of rails could be used to move in and out the steel/lead shielding cones, with adequate counter-weight on which wheels or sliders could be attached. Rails would be mechanically fixated to the rigid end-plates of the TPC, at around the TPC mid-plane and outside the active area, where the readout instrumentation is placed. The sample could be mounted on a nano-positioner piezo system, installed over the rail, downstream of the focusing optics, at the position of the image plane, enabling high-precision 3D translations. A slit system would be used to collimate the incident beam and illuminate only the MLLs. The contributions produced by the scattering of photons from the slit system and the focusing optics into the detector, which would reduce the Compton contrast, will be absorbed by the lead shielding cones. The focusing efficiency of the MLLs is high, therefore a minimal contribution from the zero-order (non-diffracted) photons is expected. However, a platinum order-sorting blade could be inserted downstream of the lenses, just before the exit of the shielding cone, if it is shown that further attenuation of the non-diffracted X-ray photons is necessary. |