Welcome to the online submission service for Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications.
The service is easy and straightforward to use, but please read the notes for authors and submission instructions before you start.
Please have ready
- your article prepared as a CIF
- your full contact details
- details of the authors of your article (surnames, forenames and e-mail addresses of all authors)
- high-resolution graphics files for each figure and
chemical scheme, and supporting data (including a
structure-factor or Rietveld data file in CIF
format), together with any other supplementary files
you wish to submit
Important information on licencing and open access
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications is an open-access journal. Articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) Licence. This licence is compliant with Plan S and is intended to be consistent with prior licences asserted or granted by the author.
For details of open-access fees, see