Welcome to the online submission service for Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology Communications.
Authors are encouraged to use the dedicated online tool publBio to prepare and submit articles to the journal.
If you would prefer to use the standard submission system using the link below, please read the notes for authors and submission instructions before you start.
Please have ready
- a single file of the text, figures, tables and any supporting information
- your full contact details
- details of your article
- details of the authors of your article (surnames, forenames and e-mail addresses of all authors)
- high-resolution graphics files for each figure or scheme, together with any supporting information files that cannot be included at the end of your article (e.g. videos)
- the PDB validation report, PDB code and name of each structure reported
Important information on licencing and open access
Subscription articles are published under a licence to publish and open-access articles under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) Licence. Both licences offer a Plan S compliant publishing option and are intended to be consistent with prior licences asserted or granted by the author.
Authors in certain countries and institutions may be able to publish their article as open access without direct cost via transformative arrangements. For details of such arrangements and open-access fees, see