forthcoming articles
The following articles are a selection of those recently accepted for publication in Journal of Synchrotron Radiation.
See also Forthcoming articles in all IUCr journals.
research papers
Probing Soft X-ray Induced Photoreduction of a Model Mn-Complex at Cryogenic Conditions
This controlled radiation damage study at different temperatures allows to refine approaches to measure radiation damage free/limited spectra from redox senstiive metalloenzymes and metal complexes in the soft X-ray regime at synchrotrons.
research papers
Compensation for the source drift of a free-electron laser beamline by adjusting the fixed-focus constant of the grating monochromator
A method for compensating for the source drift of a free-electron laser beamline by adjusting the Cff value of a grating monochromator is introduced.
research papers
Long-term timing stabilization for pump–probe experiments at SACLA
A timing control system to stabilize the long-term timing drift between X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) and optical laser pulses has been developed by utilizing an out-of-loop balanced optical-microwave phase detector and an arrival-timing monitor. The timing jitter and drift between the XFEL and the optical laser pulses have been reduced to less than 50 fs (RMS) over ∼49 h.
research papers
research papers
research papers
Novel fixed-target serial crystallography flip-holder for macromolecular crystallography beamlines at synchrotron radiation sources
We present the development of a novel fixed-target flip-holder for synchrotron serial crystallography. This holder simplifies the sample handling process, reduces dehydration risks, and enables efficient crystallography experiments with minimal sample consumption, demonstrated through successful lysozyme crystal structure determination at room temperature.